Title: Girl Interrupted
Director: James Mangold
Actors: Angelina Jolie, Winona Ryder, Vanessa Redgrave, Britanny Murphy, Whoopi Goldberg
Runtime: 127 min.
Maybe I was crazy, maybe it was the sixties or maybe I was just a girl, interrupted.
For long time this was my favourite movie of all time (until Gia kicked it to the second place). I am a huge Angelina Jolie fan and her performance in this movie is fantastic. It is no wonder why she won the Oscar. Lisa Rowe is a person you love and hate. You hate her, because she is so damned rude and obnoxious. You love her, because she always tells you things straight to your face. No holding back or euphemisms or talking behind your back, she tells you everything that is on her mind. That an be very attractive.
Not necessarily in a sexual way. For instance Winona Ryder’s character Susanna likes her for her free spirit. She is the bad girl that pulls off crazy stunts, while Susanna holds things back, keeps things to herself and prefers to write things down rather then shouting them down the hallway. Her wanting to be like Lisa gets her in trouble a couple of times. But she is not like that and soon realises that the best way to get out of the place is to play along with the doctors.
This movie has always fascinated me. You constantly keep wondering if these people are really crazy. At first, when you meet them, you think they are. Soon, however, you realize they are normal people who have problems. But are these problems that require them to get locked up in a mental hospital? There’s a girl who has anorexia, a girl who constantly lies about things, a girl who has ‘daddy issues’. Nowadays these people would never get thrown into a mental hospital, unless they live in a country in which they still live in the Middle Ages.
Every single one of these characters have had their fair share of trouble and you can’t help but want to help them get out of that place. You can see it is not doing them any good. They get pumped full meds and you wonder if they help them or they have to take them to keep them drugged and quiet.
I can really relate to this movie. I have often wondered if I was crazy and I guess a lot of people have gone through similar situations, except without being thrown into a mental hospital. I think this movie is very recognisable and I really want to read the book. I love this movie, I even did a presentation on it in high school for I think Dutch class. Got a 7.6 and that is not what I am going to give this movie. I give it a 9/10.
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