Title: Anazapta (2004)
Director: Alberto Sciamma
Actors: Lena Headey, Jason Flemyng, David La Haye
Run Time: 1 hr 45 mins
I was checking out Lena Headey movies on www.bol.com and I saw this one for only 5.99, so I couldn't resist ordering it. It turned out to be a good movie, because I really enjoyed this pretty unknown (supernatural) historical thriller.
The story is set in a village in England in 1348. Lena plays a once wealthy woman, named Matilda, who is eagerly awaiting her husband's return from France. He has been fighting there with a large group of soldiers from the village. He doesn't return. He has been captured by the French and his cousin, Nicholas, who does return, brings a French nobleman, Jacques, as a hostage.
Nicholas treats Jacques incredibly bad and subjects him to harsh torture. Matilda is the only one in the villages who cares about Jacques' well-being and lets him go wherever he wants to, under one condition: he is followed around everywhere and at nights he is locked away.
Then people start to die one by one and it is believed that it's the Black Death, because all symptoms are present. However, there is more going on then people realize. It has to do with a dark secret that some of the villages males hold. And exactly how much of this has to do with Jacques? Why is he constantly whispering these Latin sentences?
In the mean time, Matilda is having troubles of her own, when the Bishop wants to take over her property. He believes her husband will not come back and gives her 10 days to come up with money otherwise she has to perform several sexual favours on him.
That is a short summary of the story, if I say more I will spoil the twist. It is a bit hard to follow at times, but in the end all the pieces of the puzzle come together.
I really like the idea of having a thriller set in medieval times and a mystical twist to boot! It looks amazing. The sets really look like you are walking down the road of a medieval village. At least that's what I am assuming and can remember from medieval art in Art History Class. The costumes are great too. Lena's dresses and Jacques' nobleman outfit in particular. You can tell who are the rich and who are the poor. People are dirty and also have very bad teeth. That is a thing that usually bugs me when in medieval movies people have great teeth and are squeaky clean.
The performances where great as well. Lena portrays Matilda as a strong woman in a male dominated time. You can see the trouble and despair in her face as she is left no choice but take on the bishop's offer and as she figures out what really is going on. She is a very likeable heroine. David La Haye is fantastic as the mysterious Frenchman. He captivates the viewer with one look. He is very expressive in his face as well. Why haven't I seen this guy before?
This is, again, one of those movies not many people see, but should. It is a literal storyline mixed in with a clever metaphore and that's why I give it a solid 8/10.
For those who were wondering Anazapta is a word used to protect yourself from curses and the likes.
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