Title: Capote
Director: Bennett Miller
Actors: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Craig Archibald, Bronwen Coleman, Chris Cooper a.o.
Runtime: 114 Min.
My Sociology prof. recommended it to us, because we had to write a Sociological paper on Capote's In Cold Blood. The book plays an important part in this movie., since you get to see how the book came to be. It’s like a long behind-the-scenes of In Cold Blood.
Capote, one day, reads an article about the murder of a family of four. He, instantly, becomes fascinated by the killings and decides to write an article about it. He goes to Kansas and interviews a bunch of people, among them the detective Al Dewey and his wife. He also interviews the killers once they are captured.
After a while he becomes infatuated with one of the killers: Perry Smith. He can't seem to forget about him, but is this real? Is he using them for his article, which by the way has now turned into a book. Or is it real concern about the more 'human' one of the two killers. You never really know for sure, because one moment he is all over Perry and can't seem to forget him and the next moment he is bribing him into telling what happened that fateful night by offering him to help him find a good lawyer. Then in the end he ponders the fact that he cannot finish the book until they get executed, but he doesn't want Perry to be executed.
I thought it was an ok movie. I was reluctant to watch it, because of the hype and that kind of took away my pleasure in watching it as well. I thought it was a tad bit overrated, but nevertheless an interesting movie. I'm not sure whether Capote was really like that and of course it is too late to find out, but I found the movie version of him rather annoying. He was manipulative and really out there to be famous. And he sure had a nagging voice, but I guess that was part of his flamboyance. Some say Philip Seymour Hoffman portrayed him perfectly complete with all of his mannerisms and manner of speech. I thought he was alright, but of course, again, I do not know what the real Capote was like.
The movie showed some interesting things about how he wrote the book and it was a nice extra after reading In Cold Blood just recently. I still find him a genius. I mean after all he created a whole new genre. But I'm not sure if this movie did his genius justice or maybe I just got disillusioned. I give the movie a 7/10.
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