Title: Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Director: Gore Verbinski
Actors: Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Bill Nighy and others.
Now, a review of the movie I most anticipated in my life. I wanted to see it, ever since I heard they were going to make a sequel and I am pretty sure they didn't even have a script ready back then.
As much as I wanted to see it, I also had my doubts. I really loved the first movie and the general rule is: sequels suck, so part of me was afraid I wasn't going to be enjoying it. I think I even had a stomach ache as I sat down in the cinema. After seeing it, I was speechless! I loved it! I loved it so much that I went twice! Once with Anne and once with my sister. It is not as good as the first one, its even better!
The movie gave me goose bumps. I'm sure most of you know the story, I mean it broke records, but like I always do I'm going to give a plot summary anyway. It's my review! I decide! The movie starts with a beautiful shot of Keira who's sitting in the rain, wearing a wedding dress. Her wedding is violently interrupted by a guy named Lord Beckett (he used to be Cutler Beckett, but he is a Lord now). He has warrants for Elizabeth and Will. They are being arrested for helping Jack escape the death sentence and they will now be sentenced to death themselves.
However, Elizabeth is being thrown in jail and he makes a deal with Will. He has to find Jack's compass, which shows you the way to that which you desire most. Meanwhile, Jack is in trouble himself. He owes the infamous Davey Jones his soul and he is very afraid of him. He goes to hide on land, which is something Davey Jones can't do. He can only go on land once in a decade.
While hiding there he has walked right into the hands of a cannibalistic tribe. They think he is a god trapped in a human body and they want to help him get released by eating him. That is what we learn when Will gets caught by them as well.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth's father helps her escape from prison, but plans get interrupted when the captain of the boat that was going to take her back to England gets killed. She escapes from the guy's involved. She goes to Beckett and puts a gun to his head. She makes him sign a pardon for her and Will.
They eventually all get back together again. How? That's a bit complicated, but worth watching. You will see a lot of familiar faces: Norrington, the prison dog, Pintell & Ragetti, Mr. Gibbs, Cotton and Jack, the undead monkey. But also a lot of new faces: Bill 'Bootstrap' Turner, Tia Dalma and of course the beforementioned Davey Jones and Beckett.
The move is a lot darker than the first one. The story is more complicated. It actually consists of several storylines in one: Jack wanting to find the Dead Man's Chest, which contains the heart of Davey Jones, but not really. Will wanting to help Elizabeth once again. Elizabeth being more mature and independent (and having more to do) than in the first one. Norrington wanting revenge. Davey Jones' infamous story. Will meeting his father. I have to say when you watch it a second time it makes more sense and you sort of know what to look for.
I loved the character development, especially Elizabeth's. She toughened up and definitely had more to do than in CotBP. Keira really got a chance to show off her comedic skills and her fighting skills, which you might remember from King Arthur and/or Domino. Johnny Depp, of course, is fantastic as Jack Sparrow. He's even funnier and quirkier. I'm not always fond of Orlando Bloom. He doesn't do much for me, but I liked him in this movie. There I said it, let's move on. The absolute star of the movie is: The Kraken. What an amazing creature that is! And CGI looked just right.
It is not necessary to watch CotBP first, for the story at least. I do recommend it, because you might not understand most of the jokes. There are a lot of references to CoBP, like Elizabeth fake-fainting, the undead monkey, Jake saying: "Quick, hide the rum" when he realizes it's Elizabeth he's talking to and the whole eunuch thing. If you watch the first one, you will be able to enjoy it a lot more. The jokes are still funny the second time around. I still laughed at Keira's whole: "Let's grab our swords and starts banging away at each other" scene. She is priceless in that scene and I have to disagree with Jack. She does look good in that outfit. Also Jack's "I've got a jar of di-irt, I've got a jar of di-irt and guess what's inside it." scene was hilarious. It's filled with oneliners and cute crazy scenes. And the ending! It will leave you stunned and wanting more. I wish it was May 2007 already! I want more!
I loved it so much that I give it a 9/10, making it my second favourite Keira movie. The movie did leave me stuck in a confusing dilemma: Who's cuter? Keira or Johnny?
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